
Welcome to the blog to connect Columbia’s Presidential Global Fellows.  This is a place for the fellows to reflect and share both collective and individual global inquiries throughout the summers.  This blog was started in the summer of 2016.

With the support of a grant from President Lee C. Bollinger, the Presidential Global Fellowship offers first-year undergraduates who are seeking to develop a strong global foundation and a deeper understanding of the world around them with a unique opportunity to enrich their Columbia education beginning in the summer after their first year.

The Fellowship provides funding for participation on a Columbia summer study abroad program to a highly select group of intellectually curious students who are able to imagine how an overseas experience can influence their examination of critical issues and who are committed to finding meaningful ways to engage a broad range of global topics throughout their undergraduate career.

To accommodate a broad range of interests, the Fellowship provides structured advising and enhanced programming that supports the development of individualized global education plans. These customized plans help guide the Fellows while they study abroad and when they return so they may make the best use of the University’s global networks on campus and in the world beyond College Walk.